How to Integrate Cloud Blueprints with Your CI/CD Pipeline

Are you tired of manually deploying infrastructure changes every time you make a code change? Are you looking for a way to automate your infrastructure deployment process and increase your development team's productivity? Look no further than Cloud Blueprints!

At, we specialize in providing reusable cloud infrastructure templates that simplify the process of building and deploying cloud-based applications. In this article, we'll show you how to integrate our Cloud Blueprints with your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for even more automation and productivity.

Understanding Cloud Blueprints

Before we dive into the integration details, let's first take a moment to discuss what Cloud Blueprints are and how they work.

In essence, Cloud Blueprints provide a way to define your cloud infrastructure as code. Instead of manually clicking through various cloud provider dashboards and interfaces, you can define all your infrastructure resources in a YAML file, which can then be executed by a tool like Terraform or AWS CDK.

Blueprints can be defined at a high level, such as "I want a VPC with two subnets," or at a lower level, such as "I need an S3 bucket with versioning enabled." Once you've defined your blueprints, you can execute them with a simple command line tool, which will deploy your infrastructure resources in the cloud.

At, we provide a collection of pre-built blueprints, including templates for common use cases such as a single-instance web application, a multi-tier web application, and a distributed worker application.

Benefits of Integrating Cloud Blueprints with Your CI/CD Pipeline

So why should you integrate Cloud Blueprints with your CI/CD pipeline? Here are a few benefits that come with doing so:

Integrating Cloud Blueprints with Your CI/CD Pipeline

Now that you understand the benefits of integrating Cloud Blueprints with your CI/CD pipeline, let's dive into the integration details.

We'll assume that you're using a popular CI/CD tool like Jenkins or TravisCI, and that you're already familiar with executing the commands necessary to build and deploy your code.

Preparing Your Pipeline

Before you can integrate Cloud Blueprints into your pipeline, you'll need to take a few preparatory steps:

  1. Install the Cloud Blueprints CLI. You can find installation instructions for your platform of choice on our website.

  2. Create a blueprint. If you haven't done so already, create a blueprint for the infrastructure you wish to deploy. You can use one of our pre-built templates or create your own.

  3. Configure your blueprint. Edit the YAML file containing your blueprint to specify any necessary variables, such as AWS region, instance type, or storage bucket name. You can use environment variables in your pipeline to specify these values at runtime.

Building Your Code

Assuming you have a pipeline in place for building your code, you'll want to add an additional step to execute your Cloud Blueprint as part of that process.

To do this, add a command to your pipeline that executes the Cloud Blueprints CLI with the path to your blueprint YAML file. For example:

- name: Deploy Infrastructure
  run: cblu deploy path/to/my-blueprint.yml

This command will execute the Cloud Blueprints CLI with the path to your blueprint YAML file, causing it to create or update the infrastructure resources for your application.

Note that you may also need to authenticate with your cloud provider to execute this command. You can configure your Cloud Blueprints CLI with your provider profile and credentials using environment variables.

Deploying Your Code

Finally, you'll want to specify a command to deploy your code to the environment you've created. Depending on your choice of cloud provider and service, this process may look different.

For example, if you're deploying a web application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you might use a command like:

- name: Deploy Code
  run: |
    aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version --...
    aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --...

This command would create a new application version and update your Elastic Beanstalk environment with the updated code.


Integrating Cloud Blueprints with your CI/CD pipeline provides a powerful way to automate your cloud infrastructure deployment process and increase the productivity of your development team. By defining your infrastructure as code, you can easily create and update resources with a few simple CLI commands, reducing the risk of manual errors and ensuring environment consistency.

At, we provide a wide variety of pre-built templates for common cloud infrastructure use cases, as well as guides for creating your own custom blueprints. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out our website and start exploring the power of Cloud Blueprints today!

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