Top 10 Cloud Infrastructure Templates for AWS

Are you tired of manually setting up your cloud infrastructure every time you start a new project? Do you want to save time and effort by using pre-built templates? Look no further! We have compiled a list of the top 10 cloud infrastructure templates for AWS that will make your life easier.

At, we are dedicated to providing reusable cloud infrastructure templates that are easy to use and customize. Our templates are similar to Terraform and Amazon CDK, but with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. We believe that cloud infrastructure should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 cloud infrastructure templates for AWS:

1. VPC with Public and Private Subnets

This template sets up a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with public and private subnets. It also includes an Internet Gateway, NAT Gateway, and Route Tables. This template is perfect for setting up a secure and scalable infrastructure for your applications.

2. EC2 Instance with EBS Volume

This template sets up an EC2 instance with an EBS volume attached. It also includes a Security Group and a Key Pair. This template is perfect for setting up a basic infrastructure for your applications.

3. RDS Instance with Multi-AZ Deployment

This template sets up an RDS instance with a Multi-AZ deployment. It also includes a Security Group and a Parameter Group. This template is perfect for setting up a highly available and scalable database infrastructure for your applications.

4. Elastic Load Balancer with Auto Scaling Group

This template sets up an Elastic Load Balancer with an Auto Scaling Group. It also includes a Launch Configuration and a Security Group. This template is perfect for setting up a scalable and fault-tolerant infrastructure for your applications.

5. S3 Bucket with Versioning and Lifecycle Policies

This template sets up an S3 bucket with versioning and lifecycle policies. It also includes a Bucket Policy and a CORS Configuration. This template is perfect for setting up a secure and scalable storage infrastructure for your applications.

6. CloudFront Distribution with S3 Origin

This template sets up a CloudFront distribution with an S3 origin. It also includes a Bucket Policy and a CORS Configuration. This template is perfect for setting up a fast and scalable content delivery infrastructure for your applications.

7. Lambda Function with API Gateway

This template sets up a Lambda function with an API Gateway. It also includes a Role and a Policy. This template is perfect for setting up a serverless infrastructure for your applications.

8. DynamoDB Table with Global Secondary Index

This template sets up a DynamoDB table with a Global Secondary Index. It also includes a Role and a Policy. This template is perfect for setting up a highly available and scalable NoSQL database infrastructure for your applications.

9. CloudFormation Stack with Nested Stacks

This template sets up a CloudFormation stack with nested stacks. It also includes a Role and a Policy. This template is perfect for setting up a complex infrastructure for your applications.

10. ECS Cluster with Fargate Tasks

This template sets up an ECS cluster with Fargate tasks. It also includes a Task Definition and a Service. This template is perfect for setting up a containerized infrastructure for your applications.

In conclusion, these are the top 10 cloud infrastructure templates for AWS that will make your life easier. At, we are committed to providing reusable cloud infrastructure templates that are easy to use and customize. We believe that cloud infrastructure should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. So, what are you waiting for? Start using our templates today and save time and effort on your cloud infrastructure setup!

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